New R+D project
Development of a new system for melting Aluminum
In KROWN we are aware of the need of innovation and development that Aluminum Foundries in general, and the Automotive Sector in particular, require to optimize their production processes and to maintain and improve their competitive advantages. We want to continue with our commitment with these sectors and maintain our position regarding constantly innovation. For this reason, we are currently focusing our R+D efforts to answer the market demands with a new project. This project follows the aim of developing a melting, maintaining and dosing system that allows that the melted Aluminum and any of its alloys to be in a temperature range of 650 – 750 ºC. This aim will be reached with a thermal energy generation system not only efficient, but also respectful with the environment that will reduce costs and, in turn, improving production conditions and its results.
At KROWN we are immerse in the achievement of this project that brings up a series of new facts regarding materials technology, thermal energy efficiency of the equipment and total control and monitoring of the Aluminum melting system. All this innovations will meet the market demands in half term.
It is important to highlight that the project that we are referring to, named “Development of a new system for melting Aluminum”, with record number IDI-20160394, has been subsidized by CDTI, supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, and co-financed by Fondo Eurpeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), within the framework of the Research and Development projects program.
With the colaboration and support of: